Alpha Delta Chi-UAL Game Day
Design: 22236818-15859-02
Categories: Designs, Stickers and Buttons
Tags: accessory, adc, ADC-UALgameday22236818-15859-02, ADX, adx hearts, adx loves, alpha, Alpha Delt, Alpha Delta Chi, alpha delta chi heart the tide, alpha delta chi loves the tide, button, button design, button print, buttons, chi, cursive, cursive font, cursive text, cute, Delt, delta, Fun font, fun type, hand drawn, handwritten font, handwritten text, heart, heart the tide, heart you, hearts, Love, Loves, marker font, marker text, Pin, PR, roll tide, roll with the times, script font, script text, serif font, serif text, sorority, Sorority PR, the tide, tide